Health Savings Accounts consist of two parts - the high deductible health plan (HDHP), and the Health Savings Account (HSA) itself.  By carefully choosing which bank you use to establish your HSA, and strategically choosing how to fund your account and manage your investment, you will be able to get the most return on your money while keeping your expenses to a minimum.

Make Sure to Establish Your Health Savings Account

By switching from a conventional copay health insurance plan to a high-deductible health insurance plan (HDHP), most people are cutting their health insurance costs by about 40% or so.  This is such a big savings, that many people neglect to take the next step and set up their HSA.  But this is a financial mistake that is costing them money.

Unless you pay no income tax and have zero medical expenses (including dental, over-the-counter medications, or charges for alternative care like chiropractic or acupuncture), you will absolutely save money by establishing your HSA.  Just find a good HSA Administrator and get started. 

Run All Your Medical Expenses Through Your HSA

Not everyone feels like they have "extra" money that they afford to set aside in their HSA, despite the tax savings and other financial benefits.  Even if that's the case, you should still establish your HSA.  Every time you incur a medical expense, deposit at least as much money as you spent on that medical expense.  For instance, if you went to the dentist and it cost $85, put $85 in your HSA.  If you like you can then take it right back out.

What this does is convert this medical expense into a tax-deductible expense.  Then when you file your taxes next year, you can put the total amount that you ran through your HSA on line 25 of your 1040, and deduct it from the total income you report.

Cover Your Deductible

Your next step is to get enough money in your HSA to cover your deductible.  For 2008, deductibles range from $1100 to $5600 for individuals, and $2200 to $11,200 for families.  Annual contribution limits are $2900 for individuals, and $5800 for families.  So it could take a couple years or longer to get enough money in your account to cover your deductible.

Once this money is in your HSA, you will have the confidence of knowing that you can cover most any medical expense that comes your way, particularly if you have a health insurance plan that pays 100% after your deductible.

As you continue to build money in your account, you may want to consider switching to a health insurance plan with an even higher deductible, which will further lower your premiums.

Minimize the Fees You Pay

If you will be using your HSA to pay medical expenses as you incur them, you should keep an eye on the fees your bank charges.  Until you have enough money in your account to cover any fees with investment returns, you probably want to have your HSA with a bank that charges no fees.  (Several are listed on the website referenced above).

If you plan to access money from your HSA to pay ongoing medical expenses, you may wish to keep a portion of your HSA money in a savings account or short-term CD.  But to take maximum advantage of your HSA, you'll want to eventually move some of the funds to investments that have a higher potential return.

Investment Options

No other investment has the triple tax-advantage that Health Savings Accounts offer.  Not only is your Health Savings Account deposit tax deductible, and your withdrawals to cover medical expenses tax-free, but your investment also grows tax-deferred make Health Savings Accounts a great investment option.

Taking advantage of tax-deferred growth is one of the best ways to build long-term savings. Some banks will provide a short list of mutual funds you can invest in, while others provide access to an online discount brokerage such as Ameritrade where you can choose from stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more.

The most aggressive strategy is to pay your medical expenses from somewhere other than your HSA, and save the receipt.  You can then reimburse yourself at a later date.  The additional growth you get from not paying any taxes on your investment may be enough to cover all your medical expenses.


Many may be surprised to know that there are quite a few health benefits associated with sex. Some of the more popular ones include stress relief, calorie reduction, reduction of pain, improvement of cardiovascular health and improvement of self-esteem. All of these mental and physical health factors are wonderful things for individuals to acquire. Seeing that they can all be accomplished through sexual activity it is no wonder that many engage in sex not just for pleasure but for beneficial health results as well. There are many reasons why individuals who are sexually active should engage in sex not only for pleasure but for health benefits also.


One reason to take advantage of sex in order to accomplish these aforementioned health-related benefits is that it is an easy way to get a few things accomplished via one activity. Many people are interested in multi-tasking these days and this type of activity can serve this purpose as well. Since many people who are sexually active will be having sex in the first place, it makes sense to accomplish achieving pleasure and curing various mental and physical issues at the same time. The convenience factor is one reason to have sex in order to benefit from various health benefits.


Another reason to have sex in order to receive health-related benefits as well is due to the fact that it is an inexpensive way to achieve healthy results. For many different health issues one would have to spend extra money on medications and other items in order to relieve their pain. However, with using sex as a cure, whether temporary or otherwise, for various health-related issues you are able to find a natural, inexpensive remedy to your health problems in many cases. This provides another great reason to use sex as an aid with regard to health-related problems.


In addition, sex is a natural remedy. By having sexual intercourse you are finding a natural way to remedy what ails you, especially if you were planning on having sex in the first place. For those who do not like to take medications and prefer natural remedies for stress and other types of issues, acquiring the health benefits associated with sex is a great way to achieve this goal.


Lastly, there really is no harm in trying to cure various health-related issues through the simple act of sex. So long as you follow the directions provided by your doctor and are taking other necessary steps in order to help you with your health-related issues, trying the sexual intercourse method of cure might just be a good plan. This in addition to doctor-prescribed remedies may be the best way to achieve health benefits associated with sex and provide enjoyment for the parties involved in the act.

Want to know about Heart health program. With the help of heart health diet, you can get relief from heart disease. This heart health diet includes different steps like you have to restrict unhealthy fats and cholesterol. You have to get low-fat protein sources, eating various vegetables and fruits. You have to choose whole grains because they are the medium to give you fiber, nutrients, minerals like niacin, vitamin E, zinc, and iron, you have to use very less salt in your food. We can take care of overall heart health through heart health and vitamins. If we want to work our body continuously, it requires some important nutrients and vitamins are the most important in all the important nutrients. These heart health vitamins help to maintain our whole body and can protect you from heart disease. For heart health, the most essential group of vitamins is the B vitamin family. These vitamins have particular function, which helps to get relief from the risk of heart disease.

In order to achieve heart's health the latest approaches are basically symptom -oriented and free from condition which can give you some frightful feeling. There are some treatments for heart health, which can give you lots of side effects and talking about latest treatments for heart diseases create much fear in body cells. The heart is headspring of feeling and emotion such as excitement, gloominess, frustration, and delight. The major reason to weaken the emotional heart is mental and emotional tense and there are many factors such as insalubrious lifestyle, absence of physical exercise and a junk diet weaken the physical heart.

Dark chocolate for heart health is a better remedy to prevent you from heart disease. These dark chocolates include flavonoids which give you relief from dangerous blood clots and which also helps in stimulating the flow of blood around the whole body. This dark chocolate is not only good for heart health but also for destroying the common cause of blindness in elders. You can get two heart health advantages such as lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

With the help of exercise effect on your heart health, you can improve heart health. Exercise plays important role because it gives your heart more stronger like all muscles. The greatest advantage of exercise is it creates lower risk for heart disease. Exercise also prevents you from the effects of smoking also.

Before Applying for any health insurance plan, research plans from various companiesbefore deciding for the best health insurance plans that meets your needs.

Avail benefit of various schemes available for students, children, senior citizens etc. Prepare a list of hospitals that can be accessed easily from your locality.Now compare this list with the list of hospitals covered under health insurance plans. This way you can select the highly service oriented hospitals that can cater to various medical requirements thereby saving some amount of money for you.

Online Health Medical Insurance also has an edge over offline insurance because this way you escape medical test which can stop you in applying for insurance, if the test results are negative. Every aspect of online insurance application has mutual advantage over offline products because it saves time, money and is comfortable for both customer and company. There are basically two types of plans: Individual Health insurance and Group Health Insurance plans.

Applying for individual health insurance plan via online is extremely easy and fast. Just visit the website of best health insurance company, fill up the registration form with required details and get them uploaded in the data bank of the insurance provider. However if you are working professional better opt for offline advantage just by filling up the form provided by employer with required details. Here there's no pre-condition of medical check up and the premium also comes at a low price since group insurance cost much less if calculated effectively for each individual. Moreover some employers pay entirely for health insurance premiums or else some amount is shared with deductions in the salary.

You are free to choose any of the policies for online application: Family Floater health insurance, Individual Health Insurance, health Advantage Plus,etc. The bottom line is you cannot ignore the fact that every individual related to you requires better medical coverage to combat any health related adversities, so you need online health insurance plan. Apply now or else delay can cost you a lot in future.


Generally, people have the philosophy that student health insurance is just an unfruitful investment of money. The reason behind such philosophy is that colleges and universities always provide health care services and facilities to all their students.

However, it is not good to depend only on the college health insurance, because, a college health insurance may not provide you with a broad coverage for some health issues. Hence, it is better to go for this type of health insurance, if you have you have a child who goes to college.

Need of such an Insurance Policy

Student health insurance is necessary for students, who wish to study abroad and for foreign students, who wish to study further in the United States of America. If your child is not insured under your health insurance policy, might apply for such health insurance.

A students' life is full of excitement and adventure and this leads to an exposure of unorganized and unhealthy way of living. Late night parties, Fast foods, and dorm style of living provides refuge to various types of microorganisms, health disorders and finally diseases. To get well, students need to spend thousands of dollars for their medical bills.

Since, students may not earn thousands of dollars all by themselves, all the expenditure of medical bills and other costs comes on their shoulders. Hence, to avoid spending a fortune, it is better to go for health insurance policy designed for students.


If your child is planning to pursue his/her studies abroad, the family health insurance policy may not provide coverage to that extent. With a student health insurance policy, you need not worry at all, because it covers all the health related issues even in a foreign country. There are other advantages of such an insurance policy.

One of the advantages of this insurance policy is that students may go to their choice of doctor rather than depending on the university or college health facilities. With the help of these policies, student does not have to take an appointment before consulting the doctor and need not have to wait in queues to consult a doctor.

Where to Find?

If you are looking for a student health insurance, make a small research of the insurance market. Various insurance companies have different policies to provide. For instance, some insurance company may provide discounts on vision care, prescription drugs, dental care and other such services.

Hence, you need to study the various terms and conditions about these policies before opting for one. Such research and study may take up most of your time and money. To avoid these, you may also make a search online and purchase this type of health insurance policy without having to spend your precious time and money.


In the end, the choice lies with you whether you need to purchase a student health insurance or not. This health insurance may prove to be a lifesaver for your child in college. It also helps in saving thousands of dollars on medical issues. These health insurance policies help your child in case of medical emergencies.

Simplifying the Complicated – Making Senior Health Insurance Options Understandable

With the rising cost of healthcare and the current economic crisis, choosing the right senior health insurance plan is more important now than ever.  Picking an affordable senior health plan that fits your unique needs can help you enjoy your golden years by providing financial stability and peace-of-mind.  However, the array of choices for senior health insurance plans – such as Medi-gap, Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans, just to name a few – can be overwhelming.   The amount of information is vast, and even finding that information can be a daunting task.  Fortunately, there are steps you can take to choose the right senior health plan with confidence.

Tips for Choosing the Right Senior Health Insurance Plan

If you follow a few simple steps, understanding your senior health insurance options – and selecting the best one for your needs – can be relatively uncomplicated.

  1. Understand the basics.

Know what your options are.  There are numerous insurance choices for seniors, including original Medicare, Medicare Supplement, Medicare Part D (for prescriptions) Medicare Advantage plans and Special Needs Plans for persons with disabilities and low income.  Each option has its own benefits and drawbacks, so being aware of all your alternatives allows you to select the best one.  Also, keep in mind that you can combine multiple plans to provide the coverage you need.

  1. Keep the big picture in mind.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed in the decision-making process, keep in mind what your ultimate goals are in purchasing a senior health insurance plan.  For example, know your

deadlines and when you would be able to switch from the plan in the future.  Keeping your big-picture goals in mind will keep you from becoming bogged down in irrelevant options and leave you feeling good about having made a decision on a health insurance plan.

  1. Enlist the help of a qualified expert.

Finding an experienced senior health insurance specialist is one of the best ways to obtain comprehensive information on your senior health plan choices.  Having an expert that will guide you through the process of choosing a plan is essential. They provide you with easy-to-understand information and clarify any confusion you may have.  Moreover, some brokers offer in-person or on-the-phone consultations, which save clients the hassle of navigating the Internet. 

Selecting senior health insurance doesn't have to be an exhausting task.  Just keep the basics in mind, get help if you need it, and prioritize your long-term goals.  When you select the best senior health plan for your unique needs, you can rest assured that your health care is covered. is an organization dedicated to assisting Medicare eligible seniors in finding and assisting them in purchasing Senior Heath Insurance Plans that best suit the need of the Medicare recipient. is unique because of the personal attention each person receives. Moreover, it is nation wide! For more information and to speak to a live consultant, call TOLL FREE 877-255-6273 or log onto

Are you aware that self employed individuals can take advantage of medical assistance coming from insurance companies? This type of insurance is popularly known as self employed health insurance and it is definitely something that individuals which have their own business should take advantage of. Mostly, this type of insurance can be availed for a higher rate than that of an ordinary health insurance but come to think of it a lot of things right now are insured, your money, your car and your house, so why not do yourself a favor by insuring your health?

When an individual is looking for a self employed health insurance, the first thing that should be looked upon is up to what extent will the health insurance cover your medical needs. As a matter of fact, there are different health insurance companies which has limitations to the coverage that goes with their plans, this is very important on your end because this is where your medical needs comply.

One does not have to worry because there are a lot of options available to be able to avail of a self employed health insurance. Though you have to take note that if you are merely looking for a self employed health insurance, you should have the financial means for there are some risks that you should take involving some of your personal resources. it's always up to you to decide how will you weigh the risks so it could fit your budget at the same time. Here are some options:

>Try to determine if paying for high deductibles would help you with this matter because it actually contributes in lowering the amount of your monthly premiums.
>There are certain self employed health insurance providers that would offer inevitable discounts if you are willing to be billed annually for your premiums.
>You might as well go for a government assisted program called Medical Savings Account or MSA.
>The last resource may entail you doing a research on your own probably with the use of the Internet so you can avail of a health provider that would have affordable rates.

You will not be out of options when it comes to finding the right self employed health insurance that would fit your health necessities. If you would like to make a point of reassuring yourself that what you are getting is essential for you and your family you have to have an ability to know how to compare and how to pick the best. If you know what your alternatives are you'll be able to select the most appropriate self employed health insurance service that you can use. After inquiring certain information you should be able to decide and then after verify the legitimacy of the business to make sure that you are secured.

1. Take advantage of The Consolidate Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).


o   You can  keep the coverage you had while employed.

o   You may continue the coverage for up to 18 months.

o   There is no extra premium if you have a preexisting condition.


o   You (rather than your employ) must pay the premium.

o   The premium is expensive.

o   If you are healthy and do not have regular  doctor visits, you may be paying for more coverage than you need.

2. Purchase a temporary health insurance policy.


o   There is a wide range of coverage.

o   The coverage is relatively inexpensive.

o   The deductible is relatively low.

o   You can choose your  doctors and hospitals.

o   You may only buy coverage to cover catastrophic medical problems (which could lower the premium).


o   Exclusions – Some policies do not cover preexisting conditions, such as pregnancy. 

o   The deductible may apply each time  you use the policy.

o   With most policies, the coverage ends after 365 days, which could pose a problem if your job search extends for more than a year, or a if you take position with no health insurance.

o   Each time you use the coverage, it could constitute a preexisting condition, which could cause you to be denied for insurance in the future.

3. Purchase a permanent health insurance policy.


o   You can keep the coverage as long as you need it. This may be beneficial if you have an extensive job search, take a job with no insurance coverage or become self-employed.

o   In some case, premiums may be lower than temporary policies.


o   The premium may be expensive.

4.  Shop for a low cost health insurance policy.

Prices for the same coverage can vary by hundreds of dollars, so it pays to receive several personal health insurance price quotes.  

Get instant health insurance quotes at


With over 20 years of experience as a personal financial educator and counselor, Vernon Williams has developed in depth knowledge of what it takes to achieve financial success. Today, he is a sought after trainer and speaker by organizations from both the public and private sector. He is the author of 425 Ways to Stretch Your $$$$ and 3 Rules that Guarantee Financial Success. For additional money-saving tips, go to


With all of the claims out there that dietary supplements can cure everything from cancer to toe fungus, it is hard to know what to believe. Some dietary supplement products have undergone rigorous testing. Others have not. Some supplements contain ingredients of the highest possible quality. Others do not. There is no wonder that people haven't been taking full advantage of the supplements that are worthwhile; no one knows what to believe. One thing that is for sure is that there have been a number of studies that have validated the usefulness of a collection of supplements that focus on heart health and aid the body in doing more easily what it does best.

Heart health is arguably the most important aspect of personal health that we should be concerned with. This is the case for a number of reasons. First of all, cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of Americans. Millions of people die every year from heart health related issues. Another reason why so many people are becoming concerned about their heart health is because more and more people are beginning to realize what role the heart plays in their overall sense of well-being. You may or may not know that a healthy heart allows you to benefit from a variety of healthy lifestyle advantages. When your heart does not have to work as hard to pump blood throughout the body, you feel more energetic and have more stamina to do the things that you love. The heart is arguably the most vital of all organs so finding ways to keep it healthy and at an optimum working level is definitely advantageous.

So what types of supplements are available that can help strengthen your heart health? Research has shown that the supplement L-Arginine can have dramatic benefits in the prevention of symptoms of cardiovascular disease. L-Arginine has a dual benefit. First, L-Arginine will provide immune system benefits that range from simply feeling better from day to say, to keeping the blood flow to the heart at a healthy level. L-Arginine is so efficient in the fight against illnesses because it is an amino acid. More specifically, L-Arginine restores production of nitric oxide to the body, a key element in improving blood flow. As was previously mentioned, improved blood flow means that the heart does not have to work as hard to do its job. You benefit not only from a higher energy level but you also gain the long term advantages of lowering bad levels of cholesterol and avoiding putting unnecessary strain on your heart (very possibly prolonging life and the quality thereof).

Of course the benefits of using supplements that can enhance the health of your heart are obvious, but you must also consider that having a dietary supplement that provides benefits to other aspects of your health is also going to be an important addition to your diet. It stands to reason that the best supplement combinations are the ones that address the most pressing health concerns and are specifically formulated to work with each other to enhance overall health. Proven products such as this are hard to find. Use products that include vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbal extracts to create a wellness system that can benefit you. Talk with your doctor to see if the product is right for you. You will want to make sure that you discuss any current medications that you are taking as well as information regarding whether or not you have been diagnosed or are being treated for any cardiovascular disease.

Health Savings Accounts are an excellent way to build a second retirement account. These tax-favored accounts, which have only been available since January of 2004, can be opened by anyone with a qualifying high-deductible health insurance plan. Once you open an HSA account, you can place tax-deductible contributions into it, which grow tax-deferred like an IRA. You may withdraw money tax-free to pay for medical expenses at any time.

The biggest reason more people don't retire before age 65 is lack of health insurance, and many Americans reach age 65 woefully unprepared for the medical expenses they'll face once they do retire. One of the most important long-term reasons for establishing an HSA is to build up some money for medical expenses incurred during retirement.

Fidelity Investments reports that the average couple retiring in 2006 will need $190,000 to cover medical expenses during retirement. This assumes life expectancies of 15 years for the husband and 20 years for the wife.

HSAs are, without exception, the best way to build up money to pay for medical expenses during retirement. You should not contribute any money to your traditional IRA, 401 (k), or any other savings account until you have maximized your contribution to your HSA. This is because only health savings accounts allow you to make withdrawals tax-free to pay for medical expenses. You can take these distributions anytime before or after age 65.

Your HSA contributions won't affect your IRA limits -- $3,000 per year or $3,600 for those over 55. It's just another tax-deferred way to save for retirement, with the added advantage being that you can withdraw funds tax-free if they are used to pay for medical expenses.

For early retirees who are healthy, a health-savings account can also be a smart option to help lower their health insurance costs while they wait for their Medicare coverage. The older someone is, the more they can save with an HSA plan. For many people in their 50's and 60's who are not yet eligible for Medicare, HSAs are by far the most affordable option.

Any money you deposit in your health savings account is 100% tax-deductible, and the money in the account grows tax-deferred like an IRA. For 2006, the maximum contribution for a single person is the lesser amount of your deductible or $2,700. In other words, if your deductible is $3,000, you can contribute a maximum of $2,700; if your deductible is $2,000, then that is the maximum. For families, maximum is the lesser of $5,450 or the deductible.

If you're 55 and older, you can put in an extra $700 catch-up contribution in 2006, $800 in 2007, $900 in 2008, and an additional $1,000 from 2009 onward. The contribution limit is indexed to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), so it will increase at the rate of inflation each year.

How much you accumulate in your HSA will depend on how much you contribute each year, the number of years you contribute, the investment return you get, and how long you go before withdrawing money from the account. If you regularly fund your HSA, and are fortunate enough to be healthy and not use a lot of medical care, a substantial amount of wealth can build up in your account.

Health savings accounts are self-directed, meaning that you have almost total control over where you invest your funds. There are numerous banks that can act as your HSA administrator. Some offer only savings accounts, while others offer mutual funds or access to a full-service brokerage where you may place your money in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or any number of investment vehicles.

One of the biggest advantages of retirement accounts like HSAs are that the funds are allowed to grow without being taxed each year. This can dramatically increase your return. For example, if you are in the 33% tax bracket, you would need a 15% return on a taxable investment to match a tax-deferred yield of only 10%.

As another example, if you are in a 33% tax bracket and were to invest $5,450 each year in a taxable investment that yielded a 15% return, you would have $312,149 after 20 years. If you put that same money in a tax-deferred investment vehicle like an HSA, you would have $558,317 - over $240,000 more.

Because catch-up contributions are allowed only for people age 55 and older, if one or both of you are under age 55 you should establish your HSA in the older spouse's name. This will allow you to capitalize on the expanded HSA contribution limits for people in this age range and maximize your HSA contributions. Once that person turns 65 and is no longer eligible to contribute to their HSA, you can open another health savings account in the younger spouse's name.

Strategies to Maximize your HSA Account Growth

If your objective is to maximize the growth of your HSA in order to build up additional funds for your retirement, there are three important strategies you should implement.

Strategy #1: place your money in mutual funds or other investments that have growth potential. Though this is riskier than placing your money in an FDIC-insured savings account, it is the only way to really take advantage of the tax-deferred growth opportunity that an HSA provides.

Strategy #2: delay withdrawals from your account as long as possible. Though you may withdraw money from your HSA tax-free at any time to pay for qualified medical expenses, you do have the option of leaving the money in the HSA so that it continues to grow tax-free. As long as you save your receipts, you can make medical withdrawals from your account tax-free at any future date to reimburse yourself for medical expenses incurred today.

As an example, let's say a 45 year old couple places $5,450 per year in their HSA over a period of 20 years, they have $2,000 per year in qualified medical expenses, and they get a 12% return on their investments. If they withdraw the $2,000 from their HSA each year, they'll have a net contribution of $3,450 per year into their account, and they'll have $248,581 in their account when they begin their retirement years.

If on the other hand they delay withdrawing that money, they will have $392,686 in their account at age 65. If they choose they can withdraw the $40,000 to reimburse themselves tax-free for the medical expenses incurred during that 20 year period, and still have $352,686 in their account - over $100,000 more than if they had withdrawn the money each year.

Strategy #3: make the maximum allowable deposit to your HSA at the beginning of each year. Even though you are allowed until April 15 of the following year to make deposits to your HSA, you should take advantage of the tax-free growth in your account by funding it as soon as possible. The extra interest you can earn by contributing to your account on January 1 of each year rather than the next April 15 can amount to over $40,000 in a 20 year period, and over $100,000 in 30 years.

Using Your HSA to Pay for Medical Expenses during Retirement

When you enroll in Medicare, you can use your account to pay Medicare premiums, deductibles, copays, and coinsurance under any part of Medicare. If you have retiree health benefits through your former employer, you can also use your account to pay for your share of retiree medical insurance premiums. The one expense you cannot use your account for is to purchase a Medicare supplemental insurance or "Medigap" policy.

Though Medicare will pay for the majority of health expenses during retirement, there many be expenses that Medicare will not cover. Nursing home expenses, un-conventional treatments for terminal illnesses, and proactive health screenings are all examples of medical expenses that will not be paid for by Medicare, but that you can pay for from your HSA.

Long-term care is assistance with the activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, or feeding yourself. It can be provided in your home, a retirement community, or a nursing home. Long-term care expenses can be paid for using funds from your HSA, and long-term care insurance can even be paid for from the HSA up to the following maximum annual amounts:

  • Age 40 or under: $260
  • Age 41 to 50: $490
  • Age 51 to 60: $980
  • Age 61 to 70: $2,600
  • Age 71 or over: $3,250

To establish a health savings account, you must first own an HSA-qualified high deductible health insurance plan. Compare HSA plans side by side to determine the best value to meet your needs. Once you have your high deductible health insurance plan in place, you can open your Health Savings Account with the financial institution of your choice.

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